Online Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make When Finding A Job

Finding a job online can be a tricky business, especially if you’re new and inexperienced. Fortunately, online job markets function quite similarly to their conventional counterparts, which means you’ll be needing roughly the same tools as when you’re applying for a regular job. What we’d like to do here is to help you get started on your job search, by arming you with the right mindset and tools. Here’s a common,efficient, starter’s kit for anyone looking online for a job.
You’ll need:

  • A solid understanding of yourself.

What can you do best? What are your skills? What are your strengths? Most Importantly, what are your weaknesses? A rookie mistake when finding jobs online, i.e. freelancer marketplaces, is that people often apply for jobs that are not necessarily their pro-zone. An article copywriter cannot necessarily write a good playscript. Similarly, a front-end developer might not be a good coder. Focus on what you’re good at and invest yourself in that niche.

Remember that clients and businesses, when posting jobs, are not looking for learners! They are seeking expert, trained professionals. Present yourself in such manner, demonstrate what you can do, and hope for the best. If you’re constantly applying for jobs beyond your immediate experience, or outside your working niche, clients will notice and avoid you.


If you’re unsure of your specialities, you may seek the advice of a career counsellor. These counsellors are trained professionals with a keen eye for discerning individual talent. They can provide you with a bountiful of career ideas and tips, helping you develop a keener understanding of your talents.

  • An acute sense of comfort.

Rejections are an incredibly common, and incredibly painful, part of a job search. A major part of finding jobs is facing rejections and overcoming them. Your morale will take a substantial hit when you apply to ten different postings, and all of them get rejected. But, you should never get discouraged.

A common mistake, for both rookies and experienced workers, is that they simply quit looking after a long enough time. You should never do that. No matter how going gets tough, you must keep looking. The world is much, much bigger than the handful of jobs you’ve applied to.

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV).

The foundation of your job-seeking character, your CV is the first and last thing that employers and clients see you. This paper defines what you are, what you can do, and therefore has a lasting impact on if whether you’re employed or not. Unfortunately, most people do not have much experience with creating powerful CVs. They simply download generic and plain templates and fill them with their details, wrongfully hoping that employer notice how ‘dedicated’ and ‘detail-oriented’ they are!

If reading the above paragraph made you think what’s wrong with ‘my CV?’, it might be best to consult a CV professional. These people can give you excellent CV advice, or if you’re looking for additional help, they’ll even make your CV online.

A popular and proven methodology is the ‘Guerrilla CV’, in which a hired professional handcrafts your CV, infusing it with an attractive and custom design. This professional design accentuates your strengths, helping you get a better notice for your employer. According to research, most employers read through a CV in 30 seconds. This means you only have 30 seconds to make an impact. Our advice? Go professional and make the most of it.