Cover letter serves as ‘your’ brochure. It is part of your branding tool. It is one-page document that now some organizations ask you to submit along with your CV.
It is brief but carries all the important information about you that you need to provide to recruiter to make you stand out of bunch of other applicants.
There are certain parts of cover letter that go in flow.
First part is for whom you are addressing. Address professionally! You should know who you are writing to, don’t write Sir/Madam. In this digital era, you can easily work out and know who is going to read your cover letter so be specific. Introduce yourself and highlight your qualification and expertise
The most important part is where you put yourself in front for a reader and argue about why only you should be hired for the specific designation. You can use this space of your cover letter to discuss your expertise and skills. This place is to sell yourself. If you are using bullets, use the last bullet to reflect why you are a perfect fit for organization. Don’t brag about your qualification as your CV is also enclosed with cover letter and that tells about your professional degree.
Do not share any personal information or detail. Don’t write too much; don’t drag it just for making a point. If you prolong it, it might end up in bin because potential recruiter doesn’t have enough time to actually read too long information about any candidate. They pick what interests them. So make it concise and sharp.
Last part where you conclude your cover letter is called “Call to Action”. Don’t temporize to mention that you would like to be interviewed to discuss further how you can play your part in development of the organization.
Also, do proofread your cover letter like it is advised for CV. You can immediately get knocked off the list if you make a typo or punctuation error.
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