Anybody can be lucky. Follow 3 point formula by Ashraf Chaudhry

This morning I read a comment on one of my posts at LinkedIn and I thought to reply at blog. “You have to be lucky to get ahead in life. He was lucky he got job in a dream company. His luck favored him all his life. You have got to be lucky to […]
The 8 things I learned in 2017

By the grace of Almighty Allah, 2017 has been fantabulous year in terms of learning, experience and exposure. It is always fine to appraise and evaluate what we gained, what went wrong and how we could find better ways to make things happen. In this blog post, I will share my learning of 2017. Focus […]
An open letter to job hunters (Part 1)

Dear Friends Season’s Greetings & Happy New Year! Thank you for visiting my blog. Reading this blog post and acting upon the advice that I would be sharing in the following paragraphs can be your game-changer in 2018 and beyond. Before you read further, I would suggest you to first read about me, because once […]
How to Reinvent your Career and make the Smart Move!

Are you feeling stressed-out, frustrated and unfulfilled in your professional life? Sooner or later in vocations, the vast majority will wind up at an intersection. They don’t know where they need to take their professions, yet they’re miserable, and instinctively feel that it’s an ideal opportunity to make a smart career move and to reinvent […]
Getting a Job is More An Art than Science

Job Job Job! You see different types of job advertisements every day; in newspapers, on job portals and on social media. There is a never-ending list of available vacancies. And you send your CV to most of them! But you don’t get hired? Wondering how to get hired? Here’s the secret to get you hired. […]
Changing Your Career is Challenging

This is not an exception, but surely a difficult and challenging decision. Many people don’t feel satisfied with what they are doing for years or with where their professional qualification is taking them. It then gets difficult and onerous because there are other applicants or your competitors who are equipped with extensive experience and knowledge […]
7 Proven Ways of Getting Hired

The process of finding a job can be over-whelming, but you can turn it amazing by following these 7 proven ways! 1. Fine Tune your Resume: When you are seeking job, the first thing you do is send your resume and the first employers do is look at your resume. Make sure that your resume […]
How to Overcome Fear Of Rejection in Job Interview?

Many candidates are afraid of being rejected for a job interview, which severely dents their confidence level and makes them forget the big picture. It is very common to feel nervous when you have a big interview lined up, but if you know how to overcome the anxiety the candidate can learn to think constructively […]
How Networking Plays a Pivotal Role in Career Success?

The concept of the hidden job market is very important to acknowledge as it holds a variety of opportunities for job-seekers who are willing to make a productive growth in their career and take it to the peak of success. The skilled career specialists notified that several job openings are never advertised or publicly announced, […]
Why Some People Grow in Life While Others Remain Stuck?

I know a man who started his career as Medical Representative but retired as Chairman of a multinational company. I know a person who started his career as salesman at some shoe store whose company now sells shoes worth Rs 6,000,000,000 (6 billions) per annum. I know a person who started his career as loader […]